Saturday, June 20, 2009

Which element most resembles your persona?

Using Adrian Dingle Periodic Table from above, choose an element that you most identify with. You will then create a paragraph telling me about yourself, as that element. Specifically, you will tell me how people perceive you, who you associate yourself with (transition metals, alkali metals, etc.), what you are used for, and a few interesting facts. You will follow Dingle's writing style. Here is an example of his writing: 
"My beauty has no bounds. I am named after the Scandinavian goddess of beauty and love, Vanadis. Depending on my state (the charge of my various ions), I can make a rainbow of brilliant and beautiful purple, green, and yellow solution. 

Like most transition metlas, my colorful compounds can be used as catalysts (substances that allow chemical reactions to occur more frequently). I am an essential catalyst in the "contact process" that is used to manufactor sulfuric acid, arguably the most important industrial chemical in the world today. I make up part of a crucial steel alloy that was used in Henry Ford's Model-T cars, so without me, there may never have been an auto industry."(Dingle, 36).

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